
I’m a number theorist, and, in Dyson’s classification, a frog. I enjoy simple-seeming questions that lead to a richness of structure; and arithmetic questions with geometric and especially visual access points. Areas of interest include elliptic curves, Apollonian circle packings, Kleinian groups, algebraic divisibility sequences, Diophantine approximation, continued fractions, quaternion algebras, and quadratic and hermitian forms.  These things touch on arithmetic aspects of many areas, including arithmetic dynamics, homogeneous dynamics, expander graphs, hyperbolic geometry, algebraic groups, arithmetic groups, and lattices.  I am especially interested in cryptography, including elliptic-curve and isogeny-based cryptography, as well as quantum algorithms, in part for the surprising way mathematical structures can have an outsize influence on human affairs. I enjoy problems that involve experimental, algorithmic, and especially visual mathematics, using a computer and other tools. I am developing a mild obsession with mechanical computing machines. There’s a great deal of hidden beauty in number theoretical problems waiting to be illustrated.

Interesting in working with me for Masters/Ph.D.?  Go here.

Details of the academic variety

You can find my CV here (and bio, pics etc).  My orcid ID is 0000-0003-2294-0397.

Editorial Boards:  Mathematische Zeitschrift, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Math Horizons.

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