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My Resources for Undergraduates

Can the internet do your homework?

  • Yes. The internet can do your homework for you. So can your friends, your mother, and your tutor. That’s not the point. Study (and drink) responsibly.
    • Dr. Math – Math questions answered! This site has accumulated answers from over a decade by volunteer math “doctors.” (I used to be one! See the thanks Dr. Math gets.) Use the search box first; there’s a 99% chance someone has asked your question before.
    • Mathematics at StackExchange – Math questions answered! This is a newer, community-run site where you can “ask the hive.” Use the search box first; there’s a 98% chance someone has asked your question before.
    • Wolfram Alpha – Math questions answered! See whether the computer would pass calculus.
    • Math Forum Digital Library – catalogue of web resources
    • CalcPlot3D – very extensive graphing/visualisation tool


Using LaTeX to type mathematics

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