Here’s a maybe out of date Short CV. (You can have a long one, or nudge me to update it, upon request.)
Basic Bio
Katherine E. Stange is a number theorist at the University of Colorado Boulder, with an interest in elliptic curves, continued fractions, Kleinian groups, cryptography, and the illustration of mathematics. She enjoys simple-seeming questions that lead to a richness of structure; and arithmetic questions with geometric and especially visual access points. She is happiest simply wandering around taking field notes on the behaviour of mathematical flora and fauna. Over the years, she has happily trailed elliptic curves and isogenies, quadratic forms, Bianchi groups, Apollonian circle packings, and continued fractions, among others. In real life, she trails her two children, often on two wheels. She can be found on the web at and sometimes on YouTube at
Mathy pictures of me
full size images with credit for download here.